Charity – Helping Hand

Caregiver Support Hub Ltd adopts a rigorous enterprise risk management framework. Internal audits are conducted yearly on key aspects of our operations and outcomes are reported to the Audit Committee.

The Board Committee reviews and approves the annual budget prepared by management with the operating and capital expenditure budget utilisation regularly monitored. Written procedures are in place for financial matters in key areas which includes procurement, receipt, payment and delegation of authority and limits of approval.

In our financial governance, we uphold financial stability and prudence, aligning with Singapore’s best practices for non-profit financial management. A reserved fund is set aside which serves as a financial cushion to address unexpected situations, delays in funding, or income shortfalls. Additionally, it provides flexibility to support unforeseen needs and pursue mission-aligned opportunities that strengthen the organisation’s impact.

In Singapore, the primary government body overseeing the governance standards for charitable organisations is the Charity Council, which operates under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). The Charity Council provides guidance on best practices for governance, accountability, and transparency in the sector. Additionally, the Commissioner of Charities (also under MCCY) is responsible for the regulation and oversight of charities in Singapore, ensuring compliance with the Charities Act and related regulations.

By adhering to structured policies for fund utilisation and regular monitoring, Caregiver Support Hub Ltd ensures that financial resources are managed responsibly, maintaining transparency and accountability.

This approach reinforces our organisation’s commitment to sustainable and effective financial stewardship, aligning with Singapore’s governance standards for charitable organisations.